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Thought Leader Series presents:

James Ellis
Vice President of Inbound Marketing

TMPers are more than employees. We are consultants and thought leaders. Meshworking, TMP’s company blog, is where we showcase our expertise, talk shop, and discuss industry trends and predictions for the future of recruitment marketing. Below is a blog excerpt from James Ellis, Vice President of Inbound Marketing for TMP Worldwide. Here, James discusses why trust is such an important trait for employees to have.


Why Is Dating App Tinder So Interesting?

For all the people spending time trying to make the Internet better, it’s actually quite rare to see a unique idea. Think of the first time you saw Twitter, or Facebook, or a blog, or used Google. That's what I felt when I first started playing with Tinder.

Tinder, if you don't know, is a dating app. You log in, connect to Facebook, and say if you are looking for men or women. You can adjust the settings to show people only in a very near locale, or fifty miles away. And away you go.

You are shown a very slim profile of a person. It's a few pics, a headline, any shared common interests or friends you have (based on your Facebook profile), and occasionally a paragraph. That's all. From this surprisingly slight information, you only have to make one decision: swipe left or swipe right. Swiping left means that you aren't interested. Swiping right means you are. Simple as that.

After that, it's like a game: you are shown one profile at a time (think of them as cards in a deck), and you swipe one way or the other. At some point, someone who you were interested in will swipe your card to the right and you'll get a notification. Time to chat!

Read the rest of James’s post here. Interested in providing recruitment-marketing solutions to clients? Check out our open positions and apply today!

TMP Worldwide VP of Inbound Marketing James Ellis

As the Vice President of Inbound Marketing at TMP Worldwide, James Ellis has been a digital strategy thinker of the MacGyver/Mad Scientist school: hacking disparate digital ideas together to serve a strategic business objective. Whether it was bringing Bucky Badger to the social world or content marketing to the pharmaceutical space, James pushes boundaries regardless of the industry. He currently helps Fortune 500 companies attract and retain the best employees.

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