Dawn Leng
Associate Creative DirectorTMP Singapore office
At the heart of TMP are the people. Employee reviews on Glassdoor routinely cite working with “smart people with a ton of experience” as a major pro of the job. In the Employee Spotlight series, we sit down with TMP employees from across the globe to learn more about who they are and what makes them tick. Get to know Dawn Leng, Associate Creative Director in the TMP Singapore office.
TMP: When did your TMP career begin?
Dawn Leng: March 2011.
TMP: What is your current role and responsibilities and what does your department do?
DL: My current role is Associate Creative Director. I am part of the creative team, where I focus on articulating our clients’ Employer Value Propositions or existing employer brands through concepts and copy.
TMP: What do you think is unique about working at TMP?
DL: Every great product or service that’s making a difference in people’s lives comes from great organizations, who in turn count on having great talent to make things happen. As creatives, it’s interesting that we get to “sell” careers and help organizations hire talent, instead of simply selling products and services.
TMP: What advice would you give to new employees?
DL: Get to know employer branding better.
TMP: What’s one interesting fact about yourself that your coworkers don’t know?
DL: I love having conversations with my two pugs and saying hello to street cats and dogs that I meet.
TMP: What’s one of your favorite things about living in Singapore?
DL: The greenery everywhere—it’s like living and working in a park.
Want to work with Dawn and people like her? We’re looking for creative, dynamic and outside-the-box thinkers. View our available positions and apply today!
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