Ashley Belmer
Account ExecutiveTMP Boston office
At the heart of TMP are the people. Employee reviews on Glassdoor routinely cite working with “smart people with a ton of experience” as a major pro of the job. In the “Tell Me About Yourself” series, we sit down with TMP employees from across the globe to learn more about who they are and what makes them tick. Get to know Ashley Belmer, Account Executive in the TMP Boston office.
TMP: When did your TMP career begin?
Ashley Belmer: September 2014
TMP: What is your current role and responsibilities and what does your team/department do?
AB: Account Executive/Events Coordinator: Handle recruitment events, call center job postings, print ads and online media.
TMP: What initially attracted you to apply for your current position at TMP?
AB: The team atmosphere and the ability to not only work with clients on their recruitment advertising, but also coordinate their recruitment events, as well.
TMP: Though you’ve been here for several months, what is something new you’ve learned here?
AB: I’ve learned a lot more about billing than I have ever experienced in my life.
TMP: What’s one interesting fact about yourself that your co-workers do not know?
AB: I am in the midst of starting a food blog because I love to cook!
Want to work with Ashley and people like her? We’re looking for creative, dynamic and outside-the-box-thinkers. View our available positions and apply today!
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