Thought Leader Series presents:
John Elstad
SEO Director
TMPers are more than employees. We are consultants and thought leaders. Meshworking, TMP’s company blog, is where we showcase our expertise, talk shop, and discuss industry trends and predictions for the future of recruitment marketing. Below is a blog excerpt from John Elstad, SEO Director for TMP Worldwide. Here, John discusses how responsively designed career sites will be rewarded with increased visibility on searchers’ smartphones and tablets.
After a full month’s worth of traffic data, we wanted to take a look back to see what the effect on our sample was. The gap in Google Organic Search traffic was a bit wider than after the first week, and still favored the mobile friendly sites. The 50 responsively designed sites saw an average of increase in Google Organic traffic of
For a sample of 50 Responsively Designed websites compared to the previous week before the update, we saw Google Organic search traffic grow by: 22.98%
The sample of sites that have yet to adopt responsive design saw an average increase in Google Organic traffic of: 9.61%
It’s quite clear that Responsive Web Design is preferred by Google when it comes to mobile searchers, and those sites that are designed in such a way will be rewarded with increased visibility on searchers’ smartphones and tablets. So if you haven’t upgraded to RWD yet, get to it!
Read the rest of John’s post here. Think you’ve got what it takes to turn clients’ needs and challenges into digital solutions? Join TMP’s team of inbound marketers and SEO analysts.
John Elstad is SEO Director for TMP Worldwide. He’s experienced a lot in his 10+ years of online marketing, but still has a passion to learn something new every day. When John isn’t trying to move up the organic search rankings or distilling analytics, he's usually on the golf course or enjoying a tea party with his two little girls.
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